i got this planner like a couple years ago. didn't use it for i already had the one with the exact date for the year. this one is a blank planner. so you can use it whether this year or ten years ahead from now because you write down the date by yourself.

so i decided to make a use of it this year. i wrote all the dates for this year. but the thing is, apparently after i wrote down 24th may on the small square entitled sunday, i flipped the page.. and there was no more weekly plan pages. doh! who the hell create such a planner? a planner which can only fit less than complete five months!
it does have twelve pages of monthly plan. but then what about it? i never liked it or found the benefit of it. let alone to fit all my schedules on those small tabs.
well the good thing is my sister gave two of it, like she already knew the capacity. but then i'll just have to have two planner in a single year, won't i? fair enough.
bakal lo nulis bkal TKA loh noh kom..wkwkwkw