tim burton's alice in wonderland was played by enormous movie stars. i'll try to write my thoughts about the casts here. pardon me if i'm being rude or act as if i've seen the other side of the world, if you know what i mean.

alice - let's start with the main role. mia wasikowska (
vah-shee-kov-ska) acted so well. at first, i don't think she's pretty, nor she had the image of alice. but slowly she got prettier and i think she suit the character. my favorite is her wardrobe which keep changing as her body size was changing too. it doesn't make any sense when her dress loosen but her socks remain the same.
but still, the dress transformation was very nice.

white rabbit - he is my favorite character in this bedtime story. the one who leads alice to wonderland
. wise-man in the story.
his voice was dubbed by michael sheen, aro in twilight saga.

blue caterpillar - now this one is my favorite character in the movie. the reason is no other than his voice. once i heard it, i knew it's alan rickman, you may notice him as snape in harry potter movies. the blue caterpillar's name was absolem, the one who knows absolute everything.

cheshire cat - one thing about this puss, why burton changed the color into grenish blue?
white queen - i always think anne hathaway as the girl next door, a new yorker, not this queen in fantasy land. she doesn't have that look with that white hair. plus she's the one who clearly didn't carry the british accent, knowing the film took place at london. but -yes, there's always a but- she acted so so great. the dreamy queen with her hand gesture, it set.

red queen - helena bonham carter has all the rights to be a life partner of tim burton. both were crazy and incredible. if i should name 10 actresses, like the ones who really act, her name will be in it. she always play an eccentric character. the red queen lighten up the movie, way way brighter.

mad hatter - johnny depp is one of my favorite persons. like helena bonham carter, he acts for real, in all of his movies. too bad i still see the hatter as jack sparrow in pirates of caribbean. the thought that he still carried away with captain sparrow made him look less than usual.
pics from random sources
I think it was the best movie ever! Jonny was fantastic as usual....and the dresses that Alice was wearing were so cute! I wanted every single one of them!