Tuesday, 30 March 2010

one day i'll go to cayman islands

pic from http://www.pictureninja.com/pages/cayman-islands/cayman-islands-blue-water.jpg

no pain no gain

last weekend i had my first facial. now i know why people say it forbids you to hold your tears. so every time tear slips from my eyes, i whisper inside my head 'no pain no gain'.

Monday, 29 March 2010

my very first concert

maybe you'll say, 'where have you been?!' well for one and other reasons, it just happened. so last night was the very first time i see a real concert, performed by my favorite artists. kings of convenience it is. they came to jakarta about years ago but i didn't get a chance to see them. so last night was a big night for me.

when i saw them on stage, it was like 'is this for real?' i'm afraid my eyes have betrayed me. yet they were there, playing guitars and singing. i sang along in some songs, in other some, i just stood, closing my eyes to listen carefully to their voices. when i opened my eyes, i stared at them as if there were only the three of us in there.

i'm so glad they sang cayman island. it was their first song i listened to. i will never forget the clip, so beautifully made that i fall for it.

after show, after the crowd was less-crowded, erlend oye wandering at the foyer. he played with his ukulele, rejecting fans' request to take photograph. while playing by himself, he drew near to jens leksman who was busy giving autograph and taking pictures.

he then sat on the table, still playing with his ukulele, singing.

he sang more

his face was getting closer to mine.

his nose was only a finger from my cheek.

hah! i really didn't know what to do! should i kiss him? should i not? should i ask for a kiss? should i not? so i just froze there. and then jens lekman sang along with him. that was a real great closing for the concert.

please watch the video here if you want to see the dynamic duo.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

earth hour 2010

dengan menyesal, namun apa daya, saya tidak mengikuti earth hour tahun ini. mohon maaf sedalam-dalamnya, bumi tersayang.

Friday, 26 March 2010

wiki for midtest

ujian tengah semester kali ini benar-benar membuat hati berdebar. karena sesuka-sukanya saya menulis, sama sekali nggak pernah terpikir untuk menulis di wikipedia.

tapi berkat rahmat tuhan yang maha kuasa, tugas terselesaikan juga. biaroun nggak berani senang dulu karena bisa jadi besok-besok akan dikomentari atau bahakan dihapus oleh sang gatekeeper.

wish me luck. :)

p.s. kalau mau mampir, bisa cari 'macbook pro' di wikipedia indonesia atau langsung klik di sini.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

ada yang nggak suka?

kerupuk kampung, selalu di hati

gambar http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/object3/365/15/n43353640892_8300.jpg

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Bangkok Traffic Love Story

honestly, i've only watched the trailer but it already HIT me. a story about a girl who's single until she's thirty years old.

'stop being lonely. stop being single', it says.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

blok m - depok 23.02.10

setiap hari saya melakukan perjalanan dari kantor di kawasan blok m menuju kampus di depok. tambahan informasi, perjalanan dilakukan pada jam pulang kantor saat kendaraan umum sedang ramai-ramainya dan jalanan sedang macet-macetnya. apa mau dikata, ini pilihan hidup kok.

namun begitu, perjalan hari ini agak lebih menggentarkan dengan durasi yang lebih lama dari film standar di bioskop. mari mengulang perjalanan bersama.

4.00 - membereskan barang dan bergegas menyeberang ke terminal blok m dengan kondisi hujan rintik-rintik *untung tinggal menyeberang. bayangkan kalau perlu ganti kendaraan menuju terminal.

4.10 - tiba di tempat bus langganan ngetem (di bagian belakang terminal). duduk tenang di bus dan bersyukur karena saya sudah di bus saat hujan mendadak deras.

4.20 - akhirnya bus jalan. hujan masih turun dengan derasnya dan bus mulai menunjukkan indikasi kebocoran. saya memutuskan untuk tidur.

4.58 - saya terbangun sejenak dan melihat bus baru akan keluar dari terminal. hujan bahkan sudah kembali reda. setelah membayar ongkos, saya pun kembali terpejam.

5.30 - lagi-lagi terbangun dan mendapati bus sudah penuh sesak, untung saya sudah dapat tempat duduk. saat melongok lebih jelas, bus baru mau memasuki tol yang tampaknya... agak padat.

5.57 - kali ini saya sudah kenyang tidur tapi bus baru keluar tol. hmm. mengingat kemacetan di sana sini, saya pikir setengah jam cukup untuk tiba di kampus. padahal kalau lancar mungkin hanya sekitar 15 menit.

6.06 - saya melirik ke jam digital besar di bengkel pinggir jalan. hmph. jalanan masih macet dan pantat mulai pegal duduk selama hampir dua jam.

6.20 - tiba di depok dan hujan rintik-rintik. saat menanyakan harga payung di pinggir jalan, si mas malah bilang 'saya bukan masnya, mbak'. tak apalah. yang penting berakhir dengan selamat dan bahagia.

terima kasih, tuhan.

Monday, 22 March 2010

justify - AHSP

beberapa hari belakangan sedang senang-senangnya mendengarkan Andre Harihandoyo and Sonic Poeple. jujur saja, biarpun suka, saya belum membeli cd nya 'good (for the soul)' dan baru mempunyai lagu-lagunya dari download gratis yang memang disediakan oleh sang musisi.

salah satu lagu yang saya punya berjudul justify dan semalam lagu diputar berulang-ulang sambil menemani hati yang sedang galau. (haha)

and i say hey ya...
like a bleeding rain
catch me by in the face that i fake
help me
i'm alone with my thoughts
alone with my emptiness
justify every path that i take

Sunday, 21 March 2010

there are times when you want to be alone
no drama
no nothing
just alone

Saturday, 20 March 2010

the break up - ahsp

lagi nggak bosen-bosennya dengerin the break up dari andre harihandoyo and the sonic people.

Friday, 19 March 2010

give them the credit, shall we

i like to sit on the cinema till the end of show. i won't stand up even 'the end' had appeared on screen. i don't really care when i'm the last person in the studio, only to watch the credit title. i even had the staff come by to ask me to leave the studio. 'the timing is tight, we'll have to start the movie again very soon', she said to me. well what should i do. i couldn't just insist to sit and watch it till it really ended, could i? i hate it even more when they shut the film just like that, as if there were no more audience. ok, it's only me and me alone. but still. i mean, i gave money to watch the movie, right? the whole entirely movie. no one should decide which part of the movie i am allowed to watch. it's supposed to be alright if i want see the logo of 'dolby digital'.

my reason is just simple and... well, simple. they call it credit title for a reason. it's a place or space to put the credits for the crew. not just the main star but also the assistant, even the driver. also every single part involved. don't you love it so much when you read 'thanks to the family of heath ledger'?

Wednesday, 17 March 2010


i see the door standing about few feets from me
how i want to reach it real bad
my eyes redden
no air can go through my throat

i scream but nothing come out
i cry but no tear is falling
i laugh but i hear it like a shriek
i feel warm hands around me,but they fly away
leaving me in cold and dark

i see the door standing about few feets from me
i see a light coming through it
i want to reach it
and get out from here
should i feel jealous seeing everyone got superior stuffs from their parents
or should i be proud of myself for purchasing them on my own

Tuesday, 16 March 2010


selamat tahun baru saka 1932.
resolusi: AIM HIGHER

*emang ngerayain?
yah nggak, cuma ikutan bikin resolusi aja boleh dong.

Monday, 15 March 2010

13 hari menuju koc & jens lekman di jakarta

memutar lagu-lagu koc dan jens lekman setiap hari agar, biarpun tidak hapal, yang penting familiar. parapapa...

menabung model baru

bawa uang secukupnya jadi nggak bisa beli hal-hal yang bukan tujuan utama

i've been gilmored

i've just done with the finale season of gilmore girls. it gave me goosebump and tear, always. watching the seven seasons of gilmore girls was so great. it feels like we were living with the gilmores, following them in each scene of their life. it feels like we know the town like our own.

it's a life story, actually. someone out there could possibly happen to be the gilmores. love, life, school, but it's far from typical tv series. changing partner but not with your bestfriend's ex. having ups and downs in life, unlike a chessy movie plot.

it's like i was growing up with rory gilmore. surprised when she cut her bang but never realize if she gets older.

you can see the complete episode guide in here and already you feel like living in stars hollow.

Friday, 12 March 2010

dari tapanuli

suku batak adalah salah satu suku di indonesia yang memiliki karakter budaya yang kuat, misalnya kain ulos yang terkenal. selain itu, batak juga merupakan suku yang kaya akan marga atau nama keluarga. tidak semua suku mempunyai marga atau nama keluarga, seperti jawa misalnya.

semalam saya dan beberapa teman yang berasal dari berbagai latar belakang budaya, termauk batak tentunya, berhasil mengumpulkan beberapa bukti kekayaan suatu budaya. mohon dikoreksi atau ditambahkan kalau berkenan.

1. bangun

2. batu

3. batubara

4. gultom

5. harahap

6. hasibuan

7. hutabarat

8. hutagalung

9. hutagaol

10. hutahuruk

11. hutajulu*

12. hutapea

13. hutasuhut*

14. lubis

15. marbun

16. manulang*

17. mangunsong

18. manurung

19. marpaung

20. matondang

21. nababan

22. nainggolan

23. napitupulu

24. nasution

25. pakpahan

26. pangaribuan

27. panggabean

28. panjaitan

29. paranginangin

30. pardede

31. pasaribu

32. pohan

33. purba

34. rambe

35. ritonga

36. samosir

37. saragih

38. sarumpaet

39. sembiring*

40. siagian

41. siahaan

42. sianipar

43. sianturi

44. sibarani

45. sibuea

46. sibutarbutar

47. sihombing

48. sihotang

49. silalahi

50. silitonga

51. simamora

52. simangunsong

53. simanjuntak

54. simatupang

55. simbolon

56. simorangkir

57. sinaga

58. sinulingga*

59. sibarani

60. sirait

61. sirajaguguk

62. siregar

63. siringoringo

64. sitohang

65. sitompul

66. sitorus

67. situmeang

68. situmorang

69. tamba

70. tambunan

71. tampubolon

72. tanjung

73. tinambunan

74. tarigan

75. tobing

76. watihelu

tanda * menunjukkan marga-marga yang menurut saya agak absurd namun ngotot dimasukkan ke daftar oleh seorang teman. beberapa di antaranya bahkan sudah saya hilangkan.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

h-17 koc & jens lekman di jakarta

17 hari lagi tapi belum hapal lagu-lagu pak lekman.
- emang lagu-lagu koc udah?
yah belum juga.

Monday, 8 March 2010

alice in wonderland (2010) -the cast

tim burton's alice in wonderland was played by enormous movie stars. i'll try to write my thoughts about the casts here. pardon me if i'm being rude or act as if i've seen the other side of the world, if you know what i mean.

alice - let's start with the main role. mia wasikowska (vah-shee-kov-ska) acted so well. at first, i don't think she's pretty, nor she had the image of alice. but slowly she got prettier and i think she suit the character. my favorite is her wardrobe which keep changing as her body size was changing too. it doesn't make any sense when her dress loosen but her socks remain the same. but still, the dress transformation was very nice.

white rabbit - he is my favorite character in this bedtime story. the one who leads alice to wonderland. wise-man in the story. his voice was dubbed by michael sheen, aro in twilight saga.

blue caterpillar - now this one is my favorite character in the movie. the reason is no other than his voice. once i heard it, i knew it's alan rickman, you may notice him as snape in harry potter movies. the blue caterpillar's name was absolem, the one who knows absolute everything.

cheshire cat - one thing about this puss, why burton changed the color into grenish blue?

white queen - i always think anne hathaway as the girl next door, a new yorker, not this queen in fantasy land. she doesn't have that look with that white hair. plus she's the one who clearly didn't carry the british accent, knowing the film took place at london. but -yes, there's always a but- she acted so so great. the dreamy queen with her hand gesture, it set.

red queen - helena bonham carter has all the rights to be a life partner of tim burton. both were crazy and incredible. if i should name 10 actresses, like the ones who really act, her name will be in it. she always play an eccentric character. the red queen lighten up the movie, way way brighter.

mad hatter - johnny depp is one of my favorite persons. like helena bonham carter, he acts for real, in all of his movies. too bad i still see the hatter as jack sparrow in pirates of caribbean. the thought that he still carried away with captain sparrow made him look less than usual.

pics from random sources

alice in wonderland (2010) -the movie

a wonderful bedtime story to be retold by tim burton. i won't repeat the storyline for you all must have known it. the movie was good after all, but i do understand why some people are disappointed. i think people had put too big hope to watch an extraordinary movie.

for example, i don't think the animation stunned me. not bad , just not stunning. i demand the effect was to make viewer involved in the movie, as if he was the character himself. like when alice was falling down to the rabbit hole, i expected my stomach to fly away just like i was the one who falling. but i don't feel it, i just sat still in the cinema.

i enjoy the journey of alice and friends but i prefer to have a different ending. why should alice go abroad doing business. it's too far, i think. it brushed away all the fantasy theme.

another thing to make the film less than great was, it's tim burton's for heaven's sake.

pic from http://www.aionsource.com/forum/culture-media/24802-alice-wonderland-2010-a.html

till we meet

twenty more days to see you in person. :)

pic from http://www.mic.no/mic.nsf/doc/art2005020110594826939803

greeting, mate!

for some reasons, for some times, i humanly feeling down.
there are times when i dare not complaining and put the blame on me, and only me.
but they say, every cloud has a silver lining.
so i'm just glad to know there's someone out there just like me.
there's another person shared a same feeling like mine.
think the way i think.
it doesn't solve the problem.
the ugly things still lay there unchanged.
but it's better now, knowing i'm not alone facing it.

thank you.
lots of hug,



sorry, i dare not to make any excuses for not posting anything for five days in a row. i'll just try to atone it by posting five you-may-call-it-anything today.

the blind side

a film about an oversize black boy and his lack of intelectual. with no parents raised him, he came to join a school in white people area, so unlike his suburban. his appearance alone is so different with kids in there, not to mention his dreadful academic scores.

michael oher, the boy, has no place to live, no one to rely on.

leigh anne tuohy, a designer, a wife of ex basketball star, a sophisticated mother of two, living in a great big house.

their lives changed after they met each other. michael lived with the tuohy and became a part of the family. leigh anne found the joy beyond everything she could ever think about.

it is a true story of an all american football star. it is a story of racial issue. moreover, it is a story about family and much, so much of love.

michael oher and mr & mrs tuohy in real life

pic from http://leadcreatively.wordpress.com/2009/11/23/the-blind-side-opens-eyes/

ms bullock, i praise you

sandra bullock won oscar as the best lead actress, and i should say no surprise with that. she won it for her latest film, blind side. her acting was so great in it. i'm always a fan of sandra bullock, nevertheless i sometimes thought she always had a typical character in every movie. a pretty witty romantic comedy kind of girl. like in one of my favorite movie, while you were sleeping.

but in blind side, bullock played as a mother of two -or shall i say three- kids. and so i've just realized she's already 46 years old. almost 50, can you imagine?! i realized she looks older, but i was thinking like... thirtysh.

bullock was chosen as one of the 50 beautiful people in the world by people magazine (usa) on 1996. she is also named by empire magazine n the list of 100 sexiest star. i personally think she is pretty and i prefer her in dark hair color rather than blonde. i doubt she never done any plastic surgery but that doesn't matter. she is charming all the way.

she was married to a movie producer, jesse james, on 2005. it was her first marriage and they're still together now, remembering how holywood artists easily changing partner. she said once before she was married, 'the only reason I haven't married yet, is because i take it too seriously.'

pic from http://www.altfg.com/blog/awards/oscar-predictions-bullock-bridges-the-hurt-locker-88019/

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

visit indonesia

visit indonesia.


because in this country you may see the 'harmony' of the members of the house and the citizens. while the guys in black tie arguing quite much inside, people outside the building are also roaring like crazy (and i don't believe they even know what they are striving for).

both are so (close to) anarchy.

both are paid only to add more country bruises.

how similar they are.

pic: http://www.thejakartaglobe.com

Tuesday, 2 March 2010


just found out something about someone!
oh yes, gossip is on.

sudirman-depok baru 01.03.10

kemarin adalah perjalanan yang cukup menegangkan buat saya. dari kantor ke kampus kadang saya naik bus, kadang juga naik kereta. perlu diketahui kalau saya benar-benar baru dalam dunia perkeretaapian. sampai sekarang saya masih deg-degan kalau naik kereta sendirian, karena saya nggak tahu yang mana kereta saya dan sudah di stasiun mana kereta itu berhenti. 

kemarin saya memutuskan naik kereta setelah melakukan perhitungan waktu yang cermat. namun saya sangat nggak familiar dengan kata-kata 'kereta batal diberangkatkan' atau 'masih belum ada pemberitahuan' atau 'keretanya nggak berhenti di universitas indonesia' atau 'keretanya masih di depok'. astaga! deg-degan yang biasa pun berpangkat dua. 

dengan bantuan dari mas-mas petugas (yang sebenarnya agak menjebak), saya naik kereta yang melewati stasiun pemberhentian yang seharusnya. nanti dari sana baru ganti kendaraan, balik ke dua stasiun sebelumnya, begitu pikir saya. alhasil, dengan perasaan deg-degan dan nggak berarti memakai earphone di kereta, saya sampai di kampus dengan selamat. saya merayakannya dengan membeli somay yang aromanya sangat harum. terima kasih, tuhan!

Monday, 1 March 2010

aragorn, king of gondor

lords of the rings is, by far, one of my favorite movies. the story about a fellowship finding a way to destroy an evil ring. the main character, frodo baggins, who is a hobbit is accompanied by several kinds of frieds. there are another hobbits, an elf, a dwarf, a wizard and also human. the human who accompanied till the end of journey is aragorn. he is my favorite character in the movie. king of the kings, the one who ruled human.

my favorite scene is the one on lord of the rings ii: the two towers -aragorn in it, of course. when he get into the path of the death to seek for help from dead men of dunharrow. with his authority as the king of human, he told them to pay their debt of betrayal. his last words were nicely phrase, 'what say you?'