Saturday 13 December 2008

dear you

i've just thinking about your last night. remembering you've cried, then why don't you just feel relief? relief that it's over now. relief that you can face it now. not that you couldn't do that before. but now you can just close the big book of last season. not throw it away. then just move on.

then about the idiotic 'fansclub' thing, just laugh at it. those people are not completely guilty. you can avoid it for being so lovable. really. you are lovable, my dear. if someone ask me to describe you, that's the first word i'm going to say. be happy for being that way. and laugh at them.

what a night.
what a day.

don't worry about people who probably think you're kinda weird today. you are a bit not-as-usual but i just know you don't do anything. nevermind what people might think, love.

have a great dinner. pasific place, sounds like it can build up your appetite.

love love,


ps: happy birthday, om.
ps 2: don't talk too much tonight. haha.


  1. hiyyy so sweet! gw baru baca lagi. aw aw. ko tulis juga dong post tentang tong. HAHA

    love you both tif, ko!
