i often slapped by the fact of other people who could manage to produce good stuffs beautifully, whether it's a dance, a song, a picture, or even a piece or writing. one thing that makes me count it as a good stuff is how the man behind create it, how he or she drains his or her feeling through the thing called art, with
honesty. you can be touched by a song sang full hearted. or when someone dance her soul out. to see the difference between a beautiful honest picture and the one perfectly done only by fraud. as for writing, you can simply tell when the writer is just be honest and write what in the mind with the heart. do not care what language used, no matter how long it takes to read it all, without even trying to be smart, nor lurking for certain words to beautify it.
that is, my friend, still far far away from me writing. how much do i love to write even when i say so?