Saturday, 23 April 2011

ayah dan ganja

tadi siang, obrolan nggak penting bersama ayah mengambil topik tentang ganja.

saya: yah, kalau ngeganja sekarang udah biasa ya?
ayah: iyalah
saya: ayah pernah nyobain?
ayah: pernahlah
saya: emang rasanya kayak apa sih?
ayah: ya biasa aja, kayak rokok. kalau suka ya pake aja.

wow... ini lampu hijau atau asbun? tepuk tangan dulu deh buat ayah.
life is just like a game
when you reach upper level
you need to get better

Friday, 15 April 2011

crybaby, cry

i can easily cry on a song
sing to me those heart-breaking lyrics
play for me those slow melodies
and you could tell that i hold my breath

or else
try giving me a cartoon with sad journey
about a kid who lost his dog, or maybe his dinosaur
you may get a bucket of my tears in exchange

but never expect a single drop
when you walk into that plane
for i know it was real
and i can do nothing about it

"everyone is dying
so stop crying and now here comes the sun"
blur-sweet song

Sunday, 3 April 2011

dear friend,

when i count you as the very best friend of mine,
you shall get ready for me to be everywhere near you

whatever you do,
you'll see me by your side

i may not nod my head agreeing with it,
but you'll figure it out

i may tell you not to do it,
but when you do,
i'll still be there for you

i'll give you list of pros and cons,
and whichever you choose,
please do

if you want to do it,
then be it

when it went smooth,
you'll see my super beam with no surprise

but when it fell down,
i'll keep in mind not to say 'told you so'

try it again,
or quit trying

i'm always here

i went to shanghai