Wednesday, 22 June 2011

balada anak sd

suatu pagi saya nggak sengaja nguping anak sd yang lagi asyik main sama temen-temennya.

anak a: hantu, hantu apa yang jago matematika?

temen-temennya berisik, 'apa? apa? apa?!'
saya pun ikut muter otak.

anak a akhirnya menjawab. katanya,








Monday, 20 June 2011

little gifts from yesterday

traditional woven at adiwastra nusantara 2011, indonesia fabric exhibition

rainbow choux from over the rainbow, kids event at aksara kemang

magic colors from pantry magic, kitchen set store at kemang

Saturday, 18 June 2011

'And it is also said,' answered Frodo: 'Go not to the elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes.'

'Is it indeed?' laughed Gildor. 'Elves seldom give unguarded advice, for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, and all courses may run ill...'

The Fellowship of The Ring
The Lord of The Rings Part 1
J.R.R. Tolkien

The Fall 'Little Blessing in Disguise'

I may be too late since the movie was launched on 2006 and I just watch it several days ago. It is 'The Fall,' directed by Tarsem Singh. The main story-line is actually very simple. It tells about a stuntman who used a girl in order to help him suicide, but the extraordinary lays far beyond the main plot. It is so amazing how Tarsem wrapped the story with great imagination and turned the reality of 1920s into a kid's fantasy.

Roy Walker, played by Lee Pace, was a stuntman who got an accident and had to have his leg amputate. Unwilling to bear the fact, he lured Alexandria, a little girl who was also a patient in the same asylum as he was, to help him commit suicide. He tricked her by telling an imagery fiction, and together they put more extras to the story and made it richer and richer.

Tarsem said, there was no special effects used in filming 'The Fall.' All locations are real, they did the shooting in 18 different countries. I proudly tell, one of many is Indonesia. As I live in Indonesia, I immediately noticed the Kecak Dance from Bali in a scene.

I can find no foul in this movie; the plot, the characters, the background, the music, and of course the cinematography. I really love the many colors in the movie. Else, I should praise the young Romanian actress, Catinca Untaru. She was ten years old when she portrayed Alexandria in 'The Fall.' It is very interesting to see how she was being so honest as Alexandria, I mean she was Alexandria, as if she didn't do any acting. She was just seen as kid, cute and annoying in the same time. The other actors played very good as well. All the main characters in the adventure, Black Bandit, the Indian, Luigi the Bomber, Charles Darwin the Naturalist, and my favorite Otta Benga.

Tarsem did a very great job using metaphor in wrapping the story. Like on one scene when he exchanged Alexandria with a doll in a brain surgery. Of course it would be too scary to show a chopped head, so he just showed a doll, cut its head and voila! The surgery was done. You must see it by yourself and you'll say, i tell no lie.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

how can you draw something looks so real,
yet it is unreal
it is called imagination
and that's what a dream is

Thursday, 19 May 2011


saya: tadi gue makan siang sama christian sugiono dong!

teman: semeja?


Monday, 9 May 2011

burrried by honesty

i often slapped by the fact of other people who could manage to produce good stuffs beautifully, whether it's a dance, a song, a picture, or even a piece or writing. one thing that makes me count it as a good stuff is how the man behind create it, how he or she drains his or her feeling through the thing called art, with honesty.

you can be touched by a song sang full hearted. or when someone dance her soul out. to see the difference between a beautiful honest picture and the one perfectly done only by fraud. as for writing, you can simply tell when the writer is just be honest and write what in the mind with the heart. do not care what language used, no matter how long it takes to read it all, without even trying to be smart, nor lurking for certain words to beautify it.

that is, my friend, still far far away from me writing. how much do i love to write even when i say so?

Saturday, 23 April 2011

ayah dan ganja

tadi siang, obrolan nggak penting bersama ayah mengambil topik tentang ganja.

saya: yah, kalau ngeganja sekarang udah biasa ya?
ayah: iyalah
saya: ayah pernah nyobain?
ayah: pernahlah
saya: emang rasanya kayak apa sih?
ayah: ya biasa aja, kayak rokok. kalau suka ya pake aja.

wow... ini lampu hijau atau asbun? tepuk tangan dulu deh buat ayah.
life is just like a game
when you reach upper level
you need to get better

Friday, 15 April 2011

crybaby, cry

i can easily cry on a song
sing to me those heart-breaking lyrics
play for me those slow melodies
and you could tell that i hold my breath

or else
try giving me a cartoon with sad journey
about a kid who lost his dog, or maybe his dinosaur
you may get a bucket of my tears in exchange

but never expect a single drop
when you walk into that plane
for i know it was real
and i can do nothing about it

"everyone is dying
so stop crying and now here comes the sun"
blur-sweet song

Sunday, 3 April 2011

dear friend,

when i count you as the very best friend of mine,
you shall get ready for me to be everywhere near you

whatever you do,
you'll see me by your side

i may not nod my head agreeing with it,
but you'll figure it out

i may tell you not to do it,
but when you do,
i'll still be there for you

i'll give you list of pros and cons,
and whichever you choose,
please do

if you want to do it,
then be it

when it went smooth,
you'll see my super beam with no surprise

but when it fell down,
i'll keep in mind not to say 'told you so'

try it again,
or quit trying

i'm always here

i went to shanghai

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Saat Magnum Mengguncang Jakarta

Jakarta selalu dihiasi dengan berbagai fenomena. Ada saja hal baru yang menjadi perhatian masyarakat hampir setiap harinya. Beberapa bulan terakhir ini kita dibuat heboh dengan kehadiran es krim Magnum keluaran Wall's, yang "katanya" berbeda dengan Magnum yang ada sebelumnya. Magnum seakan jadi es krim paling tenar saat iklan-iklan dengan serunya mempersuasi orang-orang untuk membeli, mengonsumsi, atau sekedar mencicipinya. Lebih hebat lagi, orang-orang dibuat kesulitan untuk mendapatkan Magnum, mulai dari mini market sampai hypermarket. Strategi marketing yang menarik menurut saya. Begitu sulitnya menemukan Magnum seakan-akan es krim tenar ini laku keras.

Setelah promo Magnum usai dan perburuan mulai meredam, ada lagi strategi baru yang dijalankan. Hadirlah Magnum Cafe di Jakarta dan hanya tersedia di satu mall, yaitu Grand Indonesia. Awalnya tidak ada yang istimewa dengan cafe baru ini, namun tiga hari kemarin, yaitu dari hari Jumat, 4 Maret sampai Minggu, 6 Maret, Magnum Cafe menjadi sebuah fenomena di Jakarta.

Sebagai pecinta makanan manis, saya langsung tertarik untuk mampir ke so-called Magnum Cafe. Saya agak penasaran, ada apa sih di sana? Apa bedanya dengan es krim Magnum yang biasa dijual di supermarket-supermarket? Ditambah lagi ada godaan berupa diskon 50% khusus hari Jumat, 4 Maret sampai Minggu, 6 Maret TANPA syarat apa pun.

Jadilah hari Minggu, 6 Maret, kemarin saya mengunjungi Magnum Cafe. Sesampainya di sana, saya dikagetkan oleh antrian panjang di depan Magnum Cafe. Wow kenapa rasanya jadi seperti ada wahana dufan di mall ini? Bahkan sehari sebelumnya saya tidak menemukan antrian seperti itu di Javajazz Festival.

Saat itu pukul dua siang. Pikir saya, hmm mungkin karena masih jam makan siang. Saya memutuskan untuk jalan-jalan sambil memperhatikan antrian. Entah berapa meter panjang antrian itu. Ada yang asyik sendiri dengan HP-nya, ada yang seakan tidak merasakan antrian karena beramai-ramai, ada juga bapak-bapak yang ngedumel lama tapi tetap mengantri. Antrian dibagi menjadi tiga lajur. Lajur satu untuk pengunjung yang ingin take away, sedangkan dua lajur lainnya untuk pengunjung yang ingin dine in. Antrian take away lebih cepat bergeser, mungkin karena tidak semua menu bisa dibawa pulang. Setelah ditelusuri, di ujung antrian para pengunjung disambut oleh Putri dan Pangeran Magnum, ya lebih tepatnya SPG yang memakai kostum Putri dan Pangeran a la Eropa. Usut punya usut, pengunjung harus mengantri sekitar dua jam untuk bisa bertemu dengan Putri-Pangeran dan diantar ke singgasana untuk melahap es krim dari neegri seberang.

Ketika saya kembali jam 3 sore, antrian malah semakin panjang. Luar biasa. Dalam hati saya berujar, 'Ngapain sih orang-orang ini niat ngantri cuma buat makan es krim?' tapi ujung-ujungnya saya malah termakan omongan sendiri dan ikutan mengantri.

Sepuluh menit berlalu. Saya masih berdiri di posisi yang sama.

Dua puluh menit. Saya mulai maju selangkah dua-langkah.

Tiga puluh menit. Saya mengintip ke depan dan antrian masih sangat panjang. OK, sepuluh menit lagi deh, saya masih mencoba sabar.

Empat puluh menit. Terima kasih banyak tapi saya bukan orang yang suka menunggu dan saya jamin saya masih belum bisa masuk selama setengah jam ke depan. Ah lebih baik saya tidak mendapat diskon tapi tidak perlu mengantri gila. Selamat tinggal, teman-teman seperjuangan. Semoga kesabaran kalian terbayarkan. :D

Saturday, 5 March 2011

i can type fast
but i make loits f typo
please dont hate me
sometimes you don't say it out loud

thinking maybe

maybe it won't be any more true

just you

and yourself

then one day it will be gone

Monday, 14 February 2011

Sunday, 23 January 2011

i found a kryptonite

this picture took place in shanghai, china. it is famous with the name shanghai tan, means a bay or beach or something like that. those buildings are living evidence of giant development in china. and this is by far my favorite scenery there.

somehow when i look at it, the word 'krypton' runs into my head. i know there's nothing similar between them but i just think it has the image of 'future'. yes, i'm talking about that particular building with round shapes in between. so kryptonite.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

'life doesn't always turn out the way you planned'

Tuesday, 18 January 2011