Thursday, 30 September 2010

it was like playing hide and seek
some part of me hid hole and corner
the other part cried to be found

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

it is as if i were real

one day i'd like to have a studio-like room. it'll be filled with many different stuff.

on a corner, i'll cover the wall with mirror so i can stretch my body as if i were a ballerina.

i will add some musical instruments. i'll pretend to play the piano or guitar as if i were on stage.

one side of the wall will be my canvas where i can paint anything as if i were a true artist.

then i'll make a small cubicle and turn it into a darkroom, so i can proceed the picture i took as if i were a pro.

also i'll install a computer with a big flat screen, not just a mini laptop. i will see the outer world as if i were locked in a cave.

i will have shelves of books and bunches of papers, so i can read or write or doodle as if i have nothing else to do.

when i'm tired, i'll just lay down on my bamboo rug, as if i were dead.

Sunday, 26 September 2010

i hate monday

saya teringat masa-masa sekolah di mana saya lumayan sering salah seragam. seringnya saya salah memakai seragam putih padahal bukan hari senin. kesalahan bodoh itu selalu terjadi kalau ada libur yang masuknya saat pertengahan minggu. otomatis saya mencomot seragam putih-putih dari lemari sejak malam sebelumnya. saya selalu berpikir pendek, 'kalau hari ini libur, berarti besoknya ya senin.' sempit ya otak ini...