Sunday, 30 August 2009

my way, my day

last friday was my graduation day, the ceremony with the black gown and the whole set of kebaya. i think the whole class was there, even they who didn't graduate this semester, but i just wasn't excited at all.

it's typical, i think.
it's boring.
and i don't celebrate parting.

so i decided to have the graduation ceremony in my on way. crazying with my best mate. hopping from one to another place. from ramen to pancake and laugh became tears of silliness. from a.m to p.m.

seriously, it was useless.

yet it was the best graduation day i could ever imagine.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

saya vs ibu

saya bilang celana saya ngatung
tapi ibu kekeuh bilang itu modelnya 7/8.


Friday, 7 August 2009

bapaknya anak-anak

hari ini untuk kesekian kalinya ada yang bilang,
'lo sama bule aja, pasti anaknya lucu.'

berarti orientasi gue sekarang bukan cari pacar,
bukan cari calon suami,
tapi cari bapaknya anak-anak.

sudah lama tidak post tulisan.

cetak cetik cetak cetik.

beres deh. hahahha.