Friday, 29 May 2009

my premier

it was my first time at bali, weeks ago.
shame, there weren't many pictures i could take for i was working most of the time.

'bandar udara ngurah rai'
the film was burned but it was my pleasure to see the words

'thank you for taking me there in one piece,
mr lion

'hello, partner. let's start working'

'no title'
i didn't know what was that. just so excited
to take a picture.

'oh yes, she's busy'
my partner on our first day in bali. had fun?
yes, while working.

'st regis it is, minister'
the venue of the event, with only two days of preparation

'blitz of freedom'
the first day when we were going to have our own fu
well at least until the phone rang and

'oh doodle doo'
extremely cute puppies with their extremely thin mother at my friend's home

'best guide, pal'
my friend as my tour guide then

'yes, it's bali!'

''till we meet again'

sigh sigh

sometimes i want to laugh
sometimes i want to cry
sometimes i want to scream till my lungs hurt
sometimes i want to kneel down
some other times i just want to stay still

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

woi woi

hari ini menemukan kejanggalan lain dari manusia.

saat asyik mendengarkan ipod di bus, tiba-tiba terdengar suara orang berbicara dengan volume yang kurang wajar (atau kurang ajar). yah biasalah, pikir saya. kiranya orang itu sedang menelepon. berpikir positif aja, mungkin di ujung telepon sana ribut banget. fine then. selang beberapa detik, terdengar suara orang lainnya yang.. agak aneh. pas saya nengok, ternyata orang yang sedang menelepon tadi menggunakan loudspeaker! jadi suara yang 'agak aneh' itu ternyata suara orang di ujung sana. 'teman' bus saya pun menggenggam hp-nya seperti layaknya HT.

aduh aduh. apa maksudnya ya? esensinya dimana? lebih mantap lagi, dalam waktu setengah jam di bus yang sama, ada dua orang yang melakukan itu. apa ini akan segera menjadi cara menelepon terkini? woi banget!

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

oh they're just kiddos

my mom happened to be a private teacher. and most of her students are rich foreigners. one day my mom told me about a conversation she had with the kids.

kid 1: ma'am, how do you get here?
mom: by bus, kid.
kid 2: why? don't you have a car?
mom: no, i don't
kid 1: why not?

picture taken from
saya nggak punya pas foto yang baik dan benar.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

love chris

Christian The Lion is a famous true story. It begins in 1969 when John Rendall and Ace Bourke bought a three months old lion at Harrods Pet Department. They named him Christian. Christian was a very friendly lion. He's used to living in the city of London surrounded by people.

The problem came when Christian grew older and bigger. He needed more space to live and more meat to chew. Finally Rendall and Bourke decided to send him back to his true habitat in Africa. With the help of lion-man, George Adamson, Christian was able to live in Africa wild world in 1971.

In 1972, the two men tried to seek for Christian. And surprisingly, the lion still remembered his old pals. The reunion touched so many people from that time until now. Rendall alone made the last reunion in 1973. After that, they never see Christian anymore and it is believed that he's successfully live his life in the wild world.

Guess love simply won't care what species you are.

see more in here or there.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

i want to hold my computer 'till asleep
wish to be awaken and all the assignments magically done.