Saturday, 25 December 2010
think it was more personal and sincere than today's twitter greeting.
well but i'm one of many persons using it last night and today.
happy christmas, anyway.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Saturday, 2 October 2010
2 oktober 2010
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
it is as if i were real
Sunday, 26 September 2010
i hate monday
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Monday, 14 June 2010
rest in peace, dear sei young
Monday, 26 April 2010
end of term - the project
if only i could do it everyday
senang, sesak, lapar...
Thursday, 22 April 2010
regarding the new t
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
bite the pizza and grab the beer
the place is called pizza e birra at setia budi. i always order the signature of every place, such as at pizza e birra, i decided to order its most wanted pizza -plus dessert pizza with sweet topping- and of course, a glass of beer. i should say the thin pizza is delicious and my favorite is mushroom and cheese. don't be fooled, the real name is too hard for me to remembered, it's something about fungi... as for the famous lychee beer, i don't fancy it too much. i like it and that's all. i also tried pasta carbonara which is delicious but i don't think the same for it's mushroom pasta with some red sauce. the last is my must-order menu, french fries with chili and blue sauce. the taste of bolognaise was so perfect with melted blue cheese on top of the fries.
beside the food, the atmosphere is great to hang out with friends. i repeat, with friends. it's not the type of place want to have a date at. other than that, the band is good. you may go there at weekend to see it. also, i just found out a new event at the restaurant. soon, it will starting movie night at setia budi branch. you can name your favorite indie movie for the screening.
you can visit pizza e birra at setia budi or plaza indonesia and do prepare the money. at least 100k idr for each person to enjoy the moment. have fun!
pic taken from pizza e birra's facebook.
Monday, 19 April 2010
Friday, 16 April 2010
how i wish
Thursday, 15 April 2010
dear michael
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
kamu loncat, aku loncat
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Friday, 9 April 2010
push to the limit
i really love the place i'm working at, well, at least for now. but i have to face the fact that i'm not belong here, not on this floor. sadly, i have to admit my lack of creativity. i've tried and i realised what i'm not capable of. i've pushed myself to the limit, so now i have to move on. i'm going to seek a place where i belong.
there are only two weeks left. i'll do my best without hoping for anything. i just need to finish what i started.
dr john - mika
from the back of a bar, from afar
i see the look of my mama's face
when her son in the corner undone
she says that my life is over
boy, you don't know what you got till its gone
come put your head upon my shoulder
she gave me her hand but i ignore her
oh dr john
what am doing what am doing wrong?
cause i keep on trying
something ain't going something ain't going on
dr john
i look for joy in the strange place
from the back of a bar, from afar
i see the look on my daddy's face
when his son falling over, undone
father, my life is over
i didn't know what i had, now its gone
can i lay my head upon your shoulder?
if i fall asleep will it be over?
oh dr john
what am doing what am doing wrong?
cause i keep on trying
something aint going something aint going on
dr john
oh dr john
what am doing what am doing wrong?
cause i keep on trying
something ain't going something ain't going on
you said i'm a big heartbreaker
but doctor i never hurt your heart
isn't it obvious?
oh dr john
what am doing what am doing wrong?
cause i keep on trying
something ain't going something ain't going on
oh dr john
another day, another breakup
we hold on and on
we hold on and on
oh dr john
another day, another wake up
we hold on and on
we hold on and on
oh dr john
another day, another break up
what am i doing what am doing wrong?
cause i keep on trying
something ain't going something ain't going on
oh dr john
what am i doing what am doing wrong?
cause i keep on trying
something ain't going something ain't going on
dr john
dr john
Thursday, 8 April 2010
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
normally, you'll worry about what-to-wear on the interview. if you got accepted, you'll seek for what-to-wear on your first day. that's how it goes.
but the thing you're supposed to worry about is what-to-wear-on your second interview? who even thought there will be a second interview?
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
sudah bosan dengan gayus?
gayus tambunan, seorang pegawai pajak yang menjadi tersangka kasus penyelewengan pajak sebesar Rp 28 miliar. jujur, saya kurang mengikuti berita ini tapi tanpa mengikutinya saja kuping saya sudah gerah dibuatnya.
yang jadi pemikiran saya hanya satu hal. kenapa orang-orang heboh dengan si gayus yang nilep uang sebesar 28 miliar, padahal ada orang yang digosipkan bikin resepsi pernikahan sampai 100 miliar?
Monday, 5 April 2010
mika - the boy who knew too much
michael holbrook penniman, jr. yes, that's the real name of the famous mika. i love him since his first album, life in cartoon motion. you may love an artist for his song, but you may not enjoy his entire album. while mika, i love all his songs in his first album. it has been quite long ago but i still remember the words he sang. there was a period of time when i start my morning with 'i want to talk to you' from grace kelly.
later last year, mika released another album titled 'the boy who knew too much'. again, i love all the songs. not to mention the hits 'we are golden', 'blame it on the girls', 'rain'. i surely love them all.
i'm telling you, mika is one kind of thing! his music is so great, with his freddy mercury-like voice, his witty lyrics, and of course his fine-looking face. too shame, he's not coming to indonesia because some source said he's afraid to. oh deary michael, please don't be scared of indonesia. please come. please...
pic from
Thursday, 1 April 2010
koc & jens lekman live at jakarta
Hari Minggu (28/03) kemarin akhirnya datang juga yang telah dinanti-nanti, Kings of Convinience dan Jens Lekman live di jakarta. Meski pun pada tiket tertulis waktu 6.30 sore, orang-orang sudah berjejal dari sekitar pukul 4 untuk bisa memasuki foyer. Setelah melalui pemeriksaan, penonton harus mengantri lagi sebelum memasuki ballroom. Kali ini penonton dibagi menjad dua bagian, perempuan dan laki-laki -agak tidak biasa nampaknya dengan konser-konser pada umumnya. Akhirnya sekitar pukul tujuh, pintu dibuka dan penonton pun berlarian masuk, saling berebut agar mendapat tempat paling depan. Ballroom Ritz Carlton Pacific Place yang biasa digunakan untuk acara resmi, disulap menjadi panggung konser. Backdrop sederhana, layar besar di kanan kiri panggung, piano, mic-stand sudah siap di atas panggung menunggu orang memainkan mereka.
Saat jam menunjuk pukul 7.30, tampillaj band pembuka, Holywood Nobody. Kalau dilihat secara objektif, kualitas band ini terbilang bagus. Namun bagi penonton yang sudah tidak sabar ingin melihat Jens Lekman dan KOC, lima lagu yang dibawakannya terasa seperti tak ada habisnya.
Kemudian ada penampilan dari White Shoes and The Couples Company yang merupakan kawan baik KOC. Mereka membawakan tembang-tembang dari album baru mereka yang akan dirilis bulan April ini. Mereka juga membagikan CD teaser berisi dua lagu baru. WT&TCC memang sangat cocok sebagai band pembuka. Ibarat makanan, WT&TCC adalah appetizer yang lezat. Walau ada saja penonton yang duduk saat mereka tampil, mungkin untuk menghemat energi karena konser masih panjang.
Setelah jeda beberapa saat, Jens Lekman naik ke atas panggung. Lagu pembuka 'And I Remember Every Kiss' langsung memukau penonton. Lekman tidak membawa band-nya melainkan hanya ditemani dengan sebuah gitar akustik dan seorang perempuan yang memainkan alat perkusi sederhana. Dengan instrumen sederhana saja, penampilannya sangat luar biasa. Tak heranlah karena aksi panggungnya yang sederhana namun menghibur, serta caranya bercerita. Pantas saja orang sering menyebutnya sebagai seorang story teller, bukan sekedar penyanyi atau musisi. Penonton semakin takjub saat musik latar bermain dari laptop-nya. Tapi ternyata di balik itu semua ada kekecewaan bagi pecinta Jens Lekman. Pertama, Lekman mengakhiri penampilannya dengan membawakan "Sipping On The Sweet Nectar' dua kali. Satu lagi, mereka kecewa dengan antusiasme penonton yang kurang. Yah memang banyak orang yang belum mengenal Jens Lekman. Kebanyakan baru mempelajari lagu-lagunya setelah membeli tiket konser.
Akhirnya, tiba juga saat yang ditunggu-tunggu. Sebelumnya penonton merasa khawatir karena ada pemberitahuan bahwa Eirik Gamblek Bøe sedang sakit karena alergi makanan saat di Bandung sehari sebelumnya. Tapi untunglah dia tetap bisa tampil. Saat Kings of Convenience di atas panggung, penonton langsung memekik riuh -baik yang fanatik atau yang tak tahu bedanya erlend dan eirik. Penampilan mereka benar-benar tanpa cacat. Eirik si pangeran tampan dan Erlend sang entertainer sejati. Mereka membawakan lagu-lagu yang tak asing lagi di telinga pecintanya, Cayman Island, Homesick, I'd Rather Dance With You, I Don't Know What I Can Save You From, Me In You dan lagu-lagu lainnya. KOC berkolaborasi dengan dua personil WS&TCC saat membawakan Boat Behind. Ada lagi yang spektakuler, Erlend Oye sendiri membawakan lagu 'Bersandar' dari WS&TCC (bisa dilihat di sini). Lagi-lagi suara penonton memenuhi ruangan. Penonton kemarin memang agak 'ganas'. Di awal saja Eirik sudah bilang, 'this is the loudest audience', entah maksudnya positif atau negatif.
please come again to jakarta, dear koc and jens lekman.
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
no pain no gain
Monday, 29 March 2010
my very first concert
when i saw them on stage, it was like 'is this for real?' i'm afraid my eyes have betrayed me. yet they were there, playing guitars and singing. i sang along in some songs, in other some, i just stood, closing my eyes to listen carefully to their voices. when i opened my eyes, i stared at them as if there were only the three of us in there.
i'm so glad they sang cayman island. it was their first song i listened to. i will never forget the clip, so beautifully made that i fall for it.
after show, after the crowd was less-crowded, erlend oye wandering at the foyer. he played with his ukulele, rejecting fans' request to take photograph. while playing by himself, he drew near to jens leksman who was busy giving autograph and taking pictures.
he then sat on the table, still playing with his ukulele, singing.
he sang more
his face was getting closer to mine.
his nose was only a finger from my cheek.
hah! i really didn't know what to do! should i kiss him? should i not? should i ask for a kiss? should i not? so i just froze there. and then jens lekman sang along with him. that was a real great closing for the concert.
please watch the video here if you want to see the dynamic duo.
Saturday, 27 March 2010
earth hour 2010
Friday, 26 March 2010
wiki for midtest
ujian tengah semester kali ini benar-benar membuat hati berdebar. karena sesuka-sukanya saya menulis, sama sekali nggak pernah terpikir untuk menulis di wikipedia.
Thursday, 25 March 2010
ada yang nggak suka?
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Bangkok Traffic Love Story
'stop being lonely. stop being single', it says.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
blok m - depok 23.02.10
namun begitu, perjalan hari ini agak lebih menggentarkan dengan durasi yang lebih lama dari film standar di bioskop. mari mengulang perjalanan bersama.
4.00 - membereskan barang dan bergegas menyeberang ke terminal blok m dengan kondisi hujan rintik-rintik *untung tinggal menyeberang. bayangkan kalau perlu ganti kendaraan menuju terminal.
4.10 - tiba di tempat bus langganan ngetem (di bagian belakang terminal). duduk tenang di bus dan bersyukur karena saya sudah di bus saat hujan mendadak deras.
4.20 - akhirnya bus jalan. hujan masih turun dengan derasnya dan bus mulai menunjukkan indikasi kebocoran. saya memutuskan untuk tidur.
4.58 - saya terbangun sejenak dan melihat bus baru akan keluar dari terminal. hujan bahkan sudah kembali reda. setelah membayar ongkos, saya pun kembali terpejam.
5.30 - lagi-lagi terbangun dan mendapati bus sudah penuh sesak, untung saya sudah dapat tempat duduk. saat melongok lebih jelas, bus baru mau memasuki tol yang tampaknya... agak padat.
5.57 - kali ini saya sudah kenyang tidur tapi bus baru keluar tol. hmm. mengingat kemacetan di sana sini, saya pikir setengah jam cukup untuk tiba di kampus. padahal kalau lancar mungkin hanya sekitar 15 menit.
6.06 - saya melirik ke jam digital besar di bengkel pinggir jalan. hmph. jalanan masih macet dan pantat mulai pegal duduk selama hampir dua jam.
6.20 - tiba di depok dan hujan rintik-rintik. saat menanyakan harga payung di pinggir jalan, si mas malah bilang 'saya bukan masnya, mbak'. tak apalah. yang penting berakhir dengan selamat dan bahagia.
terima kasih, tuhan.
Monday, 22 March 2010
justify - AHSP
salah satu lagu yang saya punya berjudul justify dan semalam lagu diputar berulang-ulang sambil menemani hati yang sedang galau. (haha)
and i say hey ya...
like a bleeding rain
catch me by in the face that i fake
help me
i'm alone with my thoughts
alone with my emptiness
justify every path that i take
Saturday, 20 March 2010
the break up - ahsp
Friday, 19 March 2010
give them the credit, shall we
my reason is just simple and... well, simple. they call it credit title for a reason. it's a place or space to put the credits for the crew. not just the main star but also the assistant, even the driver. also every single part involved. don't you love it so much when you read 'thanks to the family of heath ledger'?
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
how i want to reach it real bad
my eyes redden
no air can go through my throat
i scream but nothing come out
i cry but no tear is falling
i laugh but i hear it like a shriek
i feel warm hands around me,but they fly away
leaving me in cold and dark
i see the door standing about few feets from me
i see a light coming through it
i want to reach it
and get out from here
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
resolusi: AIM HIGHER
*emang ngerayain?
yah nggak, cuma ikutan bikin resolusi aja boleh dong.
Monday, 15 March 2010
13 hari menuju koc & jens lekman di jakarta
i've been gilmored
it's a life story, actually. someone out there could possibly happen to be the gilmores. love, life, school, but it's far from typical tv series. changing partner but not with your bestfriend's ex. having ups and downs in life, unlike a chessy movie plot.
it's like i was growing up with rory gilmore. surprised when she cut her bang but never realize if she gets older.
you can see the complete episode guide in here and already you feel like living in stars hollow.
Friday, 12 March 2010
dari tapanuli
semalam saya dan beberapa teman yang berasal dari berbagai latar belakang budaya, termauk batak tentunya, berhasil mengumpulkan beberapa bukti kekayaan suatu budaya. mohon dikoreksi atau ditambahkan kalau berkenan.
1. bangun
2. batu
3. batubara
4. gultom
5. harahap
6. hasibuan
7. hutabarat
8. hutagalung
9. hutagaol
10. hutahuruk
11. hutajulu*
12. hutapea
13. hutasuhut*
14. lubis
15. marbun
16. manulang*
17. mangunsong
18. manurung
19. marpaung
20. matondang
21. nababan
22. nainggolan
23. napitupulu
24. nasution
25. pakpahan
26. pangaribuan
27. panggabean
28. panjaitan
29. paranginangin
30. pardede
31. pasaribu
32. pohan
33. purba
34. rambe
35. ritonga
36. samosir
37. saragih
38. sarumpaet
39. sembiring*
40. siagian
41. siahaan
42. sianipar
43. sianturi
44. sibarani
45. sibuea
46. sibutarbutar
47. sihombing
48. sihotang
49. silalahi
50. silitonga
51. simamora
52. simangunsong
53. simanjuntak
54. simatupang
55. simbolon
56. simorangkir
57. sinaga
58. sinulingga*
59. sibarani
60. sirait
61. sirajaguguk
62. siregar
63. siringoringo
64. sitohang
65. sitompul
66. sitorus
67. situmeang
68. situmorang
69. tamba
70. tambunan
71. tampubolon
72. tanjung
73. tinambunan
74. tarigan
75. tobing
76. watihelu